
College Preparatory Integrated Mathematics Course 2 Answer Key


Advanced Placedment and Dual Enrollment Scheduling Recommendations

Click on the course below for detailed information and help making the best selection for you.

AP Calculus, AP Statistics, AP Computer Science Principles, DE 110 and DE 155

Math Department

Honors Guidelines for 2021-22

Homework is the student's opportunity to practice what they have learned that day.  Homework will be graded on completion with relevant work and is a minor grade.

If a student is in class when the homework is assigned and fails to turn in the assignment when it is due, it is a zero. No late homework is accepted in an Honors class.

Make-up Assignments are considered all assignments that were missed by the student due to an absence, excluding quizzes and tests.   This includes all assignments.

  • A zero will be entered into the gradebook for all missed assignments.
  • Any make-up assignments that are not completed by the specified deadline will remain a zero in the gradebook.
  • Students are strongly encouraged to complete all make-up assignments to recover seat time as to avoid failure due to absences.
  • The deadline for ALL make-up work, with the exception of the week prior to the deadline, is the interim date for the grading period.

Test Assistance are materials that could increase the student's results on a test. These could be, but are not limited to note cards, extra time, extra credit and teacher assistance.

  • No extended time will be given on test, unless required by legal documentation.
  • Students will not be allowed to use notes, note cards, cheat sheets, etc, unless it is granted by all of the subject area teachers.
  • Teacher is only answer questions regarding instructions during a test.
  • All electronic devices including cell phones, smart watches, tec., are not allowed to be used, visible, or in direct contact with the student during any graded assessment.

Extra Credit may only be given for showing deeper understanding of course content than is required and must be approved across the subject area.

Math Course Description

Integrated Mathematics – 1 Unit – Grade 9

College Preparatory

The Integrated Mathematics course incorporates themes from the South Carolina Career Cluster andincorporates math lessons that promote and strengthen real world mathematical applications. This course is provided to enhance mathematics in high school and provide students with the math skills necessary for the current job market and/or prepare students for their postsecondary path. Topics introduced in Integrated Math provide the foundation students require for future success in high school mathematics, critical thinking, and problem solving. By engaging students in real-world applications, Integrated Mathematics develops critical thinking skills that students will use throughout their high school studies. The primary goal in Integrated Math is to help students develop more concrete mathematical knowledge and apply this knowledge.  This course counts towards the mathematics graduation requirement. [310100CW]

Transition to Algebra - 1 Unit - Grade 9-10

College Preparatory

The Transition to Algebra course is designed to build and strengthen algebra skills. The primary goal of this course is to help students develop more concrete mathematical and algebraic knowledge and apply this knowledge to applications represented in a variety of formats. The curriculum samples from the diverse topics including expressions and linear equations and places a special emphasis on developing a plan to understand and solve these types of problems. Concepts involving critical thinking and problem solving are taught through guided practice and application of math concepts to everyday living situations. Instruction will utilize multiple representations to ensure mastery of basic algebra concepts.  This course counts towards the mathematics graduation requirement.   [310200CW]

Foundations in Algebra – 1 Unit – Grade 9-11

College Preparatory

The Foundations in Algebra course is the first in a two-course progression designed to prepare students for success in advanced mathematics courses by providing a foundation in algebra and probability.  This course will build on the conceptual knowledge and skills students mastered in their middle level mathematics courses in the areas of algebraic thinking, geometry, measurement, probability, data analysis, and proportional reasoning. The students who complete this two-course progression of Foundations in Algebra and Intermediate Algebra will be prepared for the state-mandated end-of-course assessment (Algebra 1 EOCEP) administered at the completion of Algebra 1 or Intermediate Algebra. [411600CW]

Intermediate Algebra – 1 Unit – Grades 9-11

College Preparatory Prerequisite: Foundations in Algebra or a D average in Algebra 1 CP

The Intermediate Algebra course is the second in a two-course progression designed to prepare students for success in advanced mathematics courses by providing a foundation in algebra and statistics.  This course will build on the conceptual knowledge and skills students mastered in Foundations in Algebra and middle level mathematics in the areas of algebraic thinking, geometry, measurement, probability, data analysis, and proportional reasoning. The students who complete this two-course progression of Foundations in Algebra and Intermediate Algebra will be prepared for the state-mandated end-of-course assessment (Algebra 1 EOCEP) administered at the completion of Algebra 1 or Intermediate Algebra. [411700CW]

 Algebra 1 – 1 Unit - Grade 9

College Preparatory, Honors

The fundamental purpose of the Algebra 1 course is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned in the middle grades.  Students will deepen and extend understanding of linear and exponential relationships by contrasting them with each other and by applying linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend.  Students will engage in methods for analyzing, solving, and using quadratic functions.  Students will investigate linear equations and inequalities, the laws of exponents, simple exponential equations, sequences, functions, linear models, and data analysis.   At the completion of this course, students will be prepared for the state-mandated end-of-course assessment (Algebra 1 EOCEP).[411400CW, 411400HW]

Geometry - 1 Unit - Grades 9-11

College Preparatory and Honors Prerequisite:  Algebra 1

The Geometry course allows students to explore the relationships between points, lines, and planes in two and three-dimensional space.  Students should be able to discover and confirm postulates and theorems, and verify them by writing formal and informal proofs using previously proven theorems and postulates, definitions, and undefined terms.  Real-world applications, calculator technology, and previously studied mathematics are all integrated into the curriculum. [CP-Grade 9-412209CW, H Grade 9-412209HW, Core-412200CW, CP Grade 10-412210CW, H Grade 10-412210HW]

Algebra 2 - 1 Unit - Grades 10-12

College Preparatory and Honors Prerequisite: Grade 10:  Intermediate Algebra 1, Algebra 1, or Geometry; Grade 11:  Geometry

The Algebra 2 course provides a firm foundation for the college-bound student.  Content of the course includes the use of geometry to develop and apply the algebraic concepts.  Function concepts, systems of equations and inequalities, exponents, logarithms, word-problem analyses, polynomials, series, sequences, and transformations are included.  Technology and critical thinking skills are integrated throughout the course. [Core-411512CW, CP-411500CW, H-411500HW]

Probability and Statistics - 1 Unit - Grades 11-12

College Preparatory Prerequisite: Geometry

Honors Prerequisite:  Algebra 2

In Probability and Statistics, students build on the conceptual knowledge and skills they mastered in previous mathematics courses in areas such as probability, data presentation and analysis, correlation, and regression. In this course, students are expected to apply mathematics in meaningful ways to solve problems that arise in the workplace, society, and everyday life through the process of modeling. The course has a heavy concentration on analysis and interpretation of data. Mathematical modeling involves creating appropriate equations, functions, graphs, distributions, or other mathematical representations to analyze real-world situations and answer questions. Students should use a variety of technologies, such as graphing utilities, simulation applications, spreadsheets, and statistical software, to solve problems and to master standards in all Key Concepts of this course. [Core-414112CW, CP-414100CW, H-414100HW]

Precalculus - 1 Unit - Grades 10-12

College Preparatory, Honors Prerequisite: Algebra 2 and Geometry

The Trigonometry and Precalculus course is for students in the college-preparatory program who want to continue their studies in algebra.  The behavior of polynomial, rational, trigonometric functions, and conic sections as well as solving systems are covered.  Trigonometry is an enriched extension of mathematics with emphasis on trigonometric functions, circular functions, identities and application, vectors, and trigonometric and polar forms of complex numbers. [CP-413100CW, H-413100HW]

Calculus - 1 Unit – Grades 11 - 12

Honors Prerequisite: Precalculus

The Calculus course is primarily for students who plan to major in mathematics or science in college or who are talented in mathematics.  Topics include plane analytic geometry, elementary functions, differential calculus, and integral calculus. [413500HW]

Advanced Placement Calculus AB/Dual Enrollment Calculus (MAT 141) – Grades 11 - 12

2 Units High School Credit: 1 Unit AP Credit and 1 Unit of Dual Credit (3 Credit Hours College Level)

Prerequisite: Minimum Grade of 80% or better in Honors Precalculus, meet college requirements (3.0  GPA OR meet the score requisite on the Accuplacer, ACT or SAT), and Teacher recommendation

This college-level course includes Dual Enrollment MAT 141 – Calculus 1 and AP Calculus which prepares students for the AP Exam.  Topics include plane analytic geometry, elementary functions, differential calculus, and integral calculus.  The course teaches students to approach calculus concepts and problems when they are represented graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally, and to make connections among these representations. Graphing calculator technology is used. Students who enroll in this course are required to take the AP Exam.  Certain colleges will award college credit depending upon the score made on the AP Exam .[AP-417000AW, MAT 141:  413600EW]

Advanced Placement Calculus AB/BC - 2 Units AP Credit – Grades 11 - 12

Prerequisite: Minimum Grade of 80% or better in Honors Precalculus and Teacher Recommendation

This college-level course includes both AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC which prepares students for the AP Exam.  The AP Calculus BC course extends the content learned in AB to different types of equations and introduces the topic of sequences and series. The AP course covers topics in differential and integral calculus, including concepts and skills of limits, derivatives, definite integrals, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and series. The course teaches students to approach calculus concepts and problems when they are represented graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally, and to make connections among these representations. Students learn how to use technology to help solve problems, experiment, interpret results, and support conclusions.  Certain colleges will award up to two units of college credit depending upon the score made on the AP Exam . [AP AB-4170ABAW, AP BC-417200AW]

Advanced Placement Statistics – 1 Unit Honors Credit and 1 Unit AP Credit – Grades 11-12

Prerequisite:  Minimum Grade of 80% or better in Honors Algebra 2 or CP Trigonometry and Precalculus

This college-level course includes Honors AP Statistics Prep and AP Statistics, two units of college statistics, which prepares students for the AP Exam.  The purpose of the college-level course in statistics is to introduce students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data.  Students who enroll in the course are required to take the AP Exam.  Certain colleges will award college credit depending upon the score made on the AP Exam. [AP-417100AW, Prep-314971HW]

Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles – 1 Unit Honors & 1 Unit AP Credit - Grades 10 - 12

Prerequisite:  Minimum Grade of 80% or better in Geometry Honors  or Algebra 2 Honors

The AP Computer Science Principles course is designed to be equivalent to a first-semester introductory college computing course. In this course, students will develop computational thinking vital for success across all disciplines, such as using computational tools to analyze and study data and working with large data sets to analyze, visualize, and draw conclusions from trends. The course is unique in its focus on fostering student creativity. Students are encouraged to apply creative processes when developing computational artifacts and to think creatively while using computer software and other technology to explore questions that interest them. They will also develop effective communication and collaboration skills, working individually and collaboratively to solve problems, and discussing and writing about the importance of these problems and the impacts to their community, society, and the world. [477500AW, 477400HW]

Dual Enrollment Contemporary Mathematics (MAT 155) – 1 Unit – Grades 11 – 12

Prerequisite: Algebra 2 and meet college requirements (3.0  GPA OR meet the score requisite on the Accuplacer, ACT or SAT)

This course includes techniques and applications of the following topics: properties of and operations with real numbers, elementary algebra, consumer mathematics, applied geometry, measurement, graph sketching and interpretations, and descriptive statistics.  This course is intended for students seeking a certificate or degree at a South Carolina technical college. Dual Enrollment courses are subject to acceptance from the accredited college; tuition and cost of books are the responsibility of the student Lottery Tuition may be available; speak with your counselor. [414100EW]

Dual Enrollment College Algebra (MAT 110) – 1 Unit – Grades 11 – 12

Prerequistie: Algebra 2 and meet college requirements (3.0  GPA OR meet the score requisite on the Accuplacer, ACT or SAT)

This course includes the following topics: polynomial, rational, logarithmic, and exponential functions; inequalities; systems of equations and inequalities; matrices; determinants; and solutions of higher degree polynomials. Dual Enrollment courses are subject to acceptance from the accredited college; tuition and cost of books are the responsibility of the student Lottery Tuition may be available; speak with your counselor.


College Preparatory Integrated Mathematics Course 2 Answer Key


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