
How To Draw Man Head Tilted Up Slightly

Download PDF here – Exercise ane Intermediate caput tilt exercise consummate

Skill Level:  Intermediate

What:Quick sketch a fast template for the head and neck at any tilt, turn, tip, angle, elevation


Commencement with a circle, drawing many at several assorted sizes.  Inside of each circle describe half a eye that will represent the ear, similar the example here, with all the edges more than athwart at start than circular to get a sense of the angle the shape sits within the circumvolve.  The elevation of this ear shape will coordinate with the peak and lesser edges of the skull shape.

With the ear in identify, depict a triangle connected to the circle with the bottom edge parallel with the top border of the ear shape.  This should create a stiff silhouette of a skull/head shape.

With the bottom edge of the paper interim every bit the direction for the ground aeroplane, describe necks under each of these skulls to strengthen the concept of the tilt.  Each cervix should exist two parallel lines ending with an ellipse to close off the bottom of the neck container.

Draw a line directly through the short axis of this lesser ellipse.  Draw a line across the long axis of the neck opening.  These axis lines will vary depending upon how you want the skull to be turned between the shoulders.

Extend the center axis line across the neck cylinder on either side.  The line should non be any longer than ii-3 of these caput/skull widths.

Using the centrality lines of the cervix, draw a box around the extended axis line to frame it.  This is the meridian plane of the shoulders.

Extend the center lines of the forepart and dorsum of neck upward through the neck cylinder crossing through the skull.  These lines represent the front end center and dorsum center of the neck cylinder.  The c7 resides at the intersection on the back of the cervix, the pit of the cervix and the manubrium are the intersection of the front of this cylinder.

Depict angles from the two dorsum corners of the shoulder box to the eye line of the back of the neck, with both lines intersecting each other.  This is the glaze hangar shape that represents the shoulder line.

Draw a line effectually(ellipse) the skull shape using the top of the ear as the axis for the ellipse.  This line represents the centrality of the center brows.

Describe a center line downwards the heart of the face.  Draw a triangle on the confront airplane that intersects this centerline.  Extrude the center line between this triangle at the bottom to the desired distance for the shape of the nose.

Connect the middle line to both corners to draw the lesser triangle or base plane of the olfactory organ.  Do this with the chin at this time, keeping the plane of the chin and the plane of the nose similar in tilt.

Depict in the tooth barrel leaving space for a chin.

For each caput you draw, information technology should take no more than than 45 seconds to a minute for each.

A Weekly Workout

Here is a weekly routine to maintain for a lengthy duration, until you experience comfortable with the do, and you can reflexively copy images without too much struggle.  Give it at least 2 constant weeks before it feels intuitive.

Mean solar day 1:  30 Minutes – 3 Pages with at to the lowest degree 12-16 different sized heads on the page (invented).  Go slow at start to figure out the method and order to the shapes.  Describe as much equally you lot see in the examples on this page.  NO DETAILS!  Speed up as you feel comfortable with the pacing and the shapes are not too far out of character for what they are, i.e. your circles don't look like footballs, etc.

Day 2:  30 Minutes – iv Pages with at least 12 – 16 unlike sized heads on the page (invented).  Draw as much as you see in the examples on this page.  NO DETAILS!  For the offset folio go at a reasonable footstep.  For the 2d folio speed things up, and for the concluding two pages move speedily and apply reference.  Y'all will find that wearisome downwardly occurs when you take to interpret something only will somewhen speed back up one time the connection with the shapes occurs.

Day 3:  twenty-30 Minutes – v Pages with 12 – 16 dissimilar sized heads and necks on information technology.  The outset two pages should be from reference, the last 3 invented.  Reversing the club this time will do something unlike to the way the invented heads are approached, a new level of perception is discovered because of the heightened awareness of the mutual perspective clues that all the features share with each other.  The fourth dimension is possibly shortened due to your conviction with the skill.  Describe as much as you see in the examples on this page.  NO DETAILS!

Day 4:  30 Minutes – v Pages with 12 unlike sized heads and necks, this time using different genders, draw one folio of male heads, and draw one folio female heads and endeavour to stylize the shape linguistic communication you are using to capture some of the qualities in the faces you copy.  The prior iii days was just a routine of standard shapes, only now, can you push button the shapes but a little, into the look and feel of the person copied?  Instead of a circle, information technology ends upwardly more egg like, or kinda squarish, considering the reference "feels" that fashion.  The last 3 pages are all invented and annihilation goes with gender.

Solar day five:  30 – 45 minutes – 2 Pages with 7 – 9 different heads on information technology, but with these, take them farther, identify features, shade a little, differentiate the local values, requite information technology a trivial life.  Do not concern yourself with finishing any of them, just develop them further than the previous days of exercise.

Take two days off, repeat but add 1 folio per each week you repeat.  Challenge yourself to push these skills into intuitive long term memory tools.


The goal is to learn how to react to the reference and build quick and effective shapes with an understanding of elevation, tip, plough, tilt, etc. of the skull drawn, and a quick response to the principal foundation shapes to build upon.

This exercise is to develop:

  1. An intuitive reflex and understanding for the head/skull tilt, tip, plow of a reference
  2. Organic Perspective and overlapping forms become easier to grasp and pattern
  3. A solid sketch tool for developing quick ideas related to caput gesture
  4. Intersecting shapes to form a new complex shape/form


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